Friday, January 17, 2014

The dog's name was not B!&#h...


Here I am... rock'n like a hurricane...
Just kidding.

Before I share my stitching progress, I thought I would tell you a little story about a dating misadventure. In all honesty, I actually rather enjoyed it... the one we will call "Blue Panties Guy" on the other hand... maybe he did, maybe he didn't.

A little back ground info: I went on one date with him a couple of years ago. That's all it took for me to realize how much of a nut job he was.... or maybe how much of a nut job I am. He called his lovely little four legged friend Goof. Well, the entire time we were out on our so called date, he kept calling me Goof. I asked him nicely not to do so. I asked him firmly not to do so. He just kept on and on. So.. I looked him square in the eye, told him that if he didn't stop calling me goof we were going to the nearest store, buying him a pair of panties and every time he acted like an @ss he would have to put them on as punishment. What does he do? HE CALLS ME GOOF! So, we drove to WalMart. I led him to the ladies under garment section and made him pick out his own pair. After explaining to him the different cuts and styles he opted for a pair of light blue lace cheekies. Not too shabby.... they were actually rather cute. At least he had good taste in something. After the shopping trip was successfully complete, he kissed me and asked when he could see me again. All I could say was "we'll see."

The very next day... He voluntarily sends me a text with a picture of him wearing the blue panties. OMG!!!! I thought I was going to die! Yup... that was the end of him.

So what do I do? I call my momma, of course!
I told her to sit down and then relayed the events of my so called date. She's laughing hysterically and says you have to tell your Dad! Dad gets on the phone and asks why he's sitting down and mom is in hysterics. I said brace yourself and relayed the information. There's silence. Then he says, "Was the dog'd name B!&#h?!?!" To which I replied as sweetly and innocently as possible, "No, Daddy!" He said, "Well, I guess I really should buy you a riding crop for Christmas!" and busted out laughing.

It was one of the most completely, crazy, nonsensical things I have ever in my life done. So completely fabulous!


My 1st new project for this year is Fire Burn & Cauldron Bubble. It was designed by Tracy Horner. I found it in the Just CrossStitch Magazine for Halloween.

Tracy actually stitched her's on purple cloth with clack tread. I opted for the opposite.

Then, I have been working on one of my UFOs. I started this last summer and never finished it. My stitching is almost done and then I need to add the bead work.
It is from the Buttons and Beads Autumn Series by Mill Hill. I love that is has glow in the dark thread. So much fun!

I know this post has been rather lengthy so I will close with this.
Today I saved a feathered friend from his/her ultimate demise. The little thing flew into my office building. I found it after shock had set in. It was barely clinging to the top of the office door and it's poor little head was tilted and eyes closed.
I ended up setting it on the ground under a bush for cover because it wasn't strong enough to stay in the tree... I caught it as it fell from the limb I sat it on. I went to check on the poor thing after about an hour. It was gone. I'm hoping the shock wore off and it flew away rather than think one of the campus cats ate it.

Hope all is well with your day!

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