Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Van Gogh and Mom Butt

I may have disappeared from the cyber world for a few weeks, but I have most definitely made some progress in the war against Van Gogh...
I've finally made it to the last quarter!! Can I get an AMEN!?!?! So close and yet so far on this one.

I came to a realization the other day:
I have found what I term the mom butt. I turned in the mirror the other day and ka-boom... I had no words other than "oh my holy cow batman!!!" How did that even happen?! The good news... I'm working on putting it back in it's place.
My request for Sainthood was met with less than an exciting stamp of approval. I really did perform 3 miracles. Some of these students are lucky I am here. Anyhoo, when I requested my sainthood be stamped with approval, Yoda responded saying she'd give me 1 wing. (At least it wasn't 1 feather that was offered. HAHA)

I need vacation. Fall semesters always drain my batteries.