Thursday, June 25, 2015

Moose is Life!

What does that even mean?! There's always a variety of scribble scrabble on my desk calendar. On any given day you'll see "Hey Giiiirl!", "What's up?", "Skipper Rules" or various other do-dads and swirly-gigs. But, I have to say "Moose is Life!" is a new one on me.

Ive been not-so-patiently working on Starry Night. I do believe I have almost made it to the other side!

It won't be long before I am chopping all that extra fabric away. YAY! I think I mentioned not being 94 when I put the finished piece away and leave this world in my sleep... however, I am now thinking I may not win the battle over becoming cross eyed. I know, drama at it's best.  :)  At least I am smiling about it.

Speaking of smiling... Precious has proven me wrong once again. I, yes me with very little assistance from my brother, dropped the gas tank and replaced the fuel pump and then fuel filter. When all was said and done I kicked her in the tire and screamed "Who's my b!$ch, now?!?!" Precious purred like a kitten... until she didn't the next morning when she died. I guess it was her way of putting me back in my place, LOL. Five new codes. It's official. I AM THE JOB OF CARS! What did I do? First thing was order an O2 sensor and scream bloody hell. Then, I text my Daddy. (Are you surprised?) I mentioned the issues, the likeness to Job, and then told him I was trying to keep the faith and not order an RPG off the black market. (As if I really would.) Daddy's response? "I'm not worried about you ordering off the black market... b!$ch be taking all your money. Word." It's a good thing he can help me laugh through the invisible tears. In the meantime, I'm trying to figure out how to make millions off my own flugelbinder idea... in a perfect world.

Someone please tell me that you're living the high life on a yacht somewhere. It would be nice to know in order to live vicariously through you.

Keep it real, peeps.

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